The Social Network is a Bio/Drama starring Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, and Andrew Garfield. The film is set in 2003 and starts out in Boston at Harvard University. It transits between Boston and San Francisco as “The Facebook” grows and Zuckerburge feels the need to place its headquarters in a place more fitting.
In the opening seen of the movie Mark is sitting in the bar with his girlfriend discussing Final clubs and trying to explain to her why being in one would open doors for her that are usually only found by those few exclusive, over privileged, snotty kids like the Winklevoss Twins. In doing this he shows his need for acceptance from peers while simultaneously pissing his girl off so much that she dumps him on the spot and informs him that no girl will ever want him because he’s an asshole. When he gets home that night he gets drunk and creates a hot or not sight that grows so big and fast that it shuts down the servers at Harvard. Instead of gaining popularity for it he was thought of as a sexist pig by the girls and not much more by their angry boyfriends. However, the Winklevoss twins find him to be a potential large asset for their website idea that allows people among Harvard to share profiles. When they bring him to their “Finals Club” to discuss the idea they make sure to stop at the coat room not allowing Mark to enter their exclusive club. In doing this this they showed him that he wasn’t being accepted by them but being used for their own gain. This leads Zuckerburge to string them along allowing them to believe his building their site while actually he’s creating his own version only better. After partnering up with his only financial asset and probably only real friend Eduardo they get the site up and draw the attention of Sean Parker, a young smart yet somewhat shady entrepreneur that already had success with his first site NAPSTER. The more Sean shows Mark the life he could have following his footsteps the more Eduardo gets pushed out of the picture until he’s left with nothing but a lawsuit to file. The Winklevoss twins finally realize they’ve been duped when a girlfriend of a Finals club member shows them the site. After much deliberation over whether or not to file suit the twins decide to go forth with legal action after losing their Olympic row team race and learning the facebook was growing to be a worldwide sensation. This goes to show that the insatiable thirst for acceptance and success can bring you to lie, steal, and backstab your own friends.
I thought the editing of this film was interesting in how they show Mark talking with his lawyers about being sued for the facebook which gives us the idea that maybe thing didn’t turn out so well for him in the end . Then as the movie progresses the plot is unveiled and we find that he really is a major asshole and by the end he has a million friends and no one to talk to.
Overall I would rate this movie at four stars. I felt it lacked depth for the character other than Mark. I would have liked to see some background of young Sean Parker’s life as well as what Eduardo went through back in New York while trying to sell adverting for the facebook.
The movie advertising quote "You don't make 500 million friends without making a few enemies" does deliver in this movie. Well put on the way Zuckerburg played by Mark Eisenberg was a real joke and backstabber. The editing does give a cliff-hanger moment at the end to see if he wants friends or not. It shows continuous journey that has not been full-filled.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with you showing more about Sean Parker's life. It's unnecessary in this film because the main focus is about Zuckenburg and his creation of Facebook. I believe they did a great introduction to the character of Sean Paker. Fast quick and easy.