Citizen Kane and The Social Network are both stories of men who are constantly thriving for success and acceptance. Citizen Kane is a story of a young boy adopted by an extremely wealthy business man who wants to turn the boy into the most successful richest man in the world. He succeeds; however, this boy grows to be overwhelmingly narcissistic feeding off the love from his peers and admirers. Over the course of the movie he loses everyone that truly cared about him including two wives and a best friend. He ends up sad and alone in the largest mansion ever made with nothing but his thoughts and regrets. The Social Network is similar to this movie in that it centers on a young guy seeking the love and acceptance of the people who would otherwise look down on him for being the typical geeky nerd type. He seems to think being an extreme success automatically brings friendship when to his surprise it leads him down a road that ends in lonely sorrow. His girlfriend leaves him, his best friend sues him, and by the end he has a million friends and no one to talk to.
Of course between the two movies being similar and different you brought up some interesting points between the two. Of course it was obvious for you, as it was for me, the character's thrived to please themselves doing something they admired. However, within their admiration they were seeking to be admired as well, but end up with lots of money or lots of friends with no happiness. Alone and isolated within finding a passion for happiness that was brought out for others never playing in their favor.